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💭 Nextcloud Music


For a while now I switched from primarily using Spotify for listening to music to using an iPod Classic running Rockbox. This was great, and I wrote about how I enjoyed the act of selecting music vs just putting on a playlist curated by someone else. I felt more connected to the act of listening to music.

Unfortunately, my iPod is having a lot of issues at the moment. I believe the hard drive is failing, also the play/pause button doesn't work anymore. I have plans to upgrade/replace some of the parts, but for now I'm holding off. I may try that someday.

I was thinking about what about the iPod felt better. I don't think it's necessarily having a dedicated device for music (though that is nice). I think the main thing is that I have to intentionally go select music from a collection that I've put together over the years. Because of that, I think using Nextcloud Music is a good solution. It will contain the same music I've collected, and I can use the Subtracks Android app to listen on my phone. This is nice because I can use my bluetooth headphones. I can also listen via the Nextcloud web interface when on my work computer, so that's also nice. It has web radio functionlity built in too, so I can listen to radio stations such as Defcon Radio, Tilderadio, or aNONradio. That's a nice added feature.

I am currently not able to have my entire music collection on the Raspberry Pi, as it's over 40gb and everything is running on a 32gb pi. Eventually I will probably either replace the SD card itself, or add a USB drive with more space and switch Nextcloud to store files there. I'm leaning more toward the USB drive, because it will then be separate from the server itself, and technically you're not supposed to use an SD card higher than 32gb on the Pi 3B+ (though apparently it usually works anyway even though it's not officially supported).

Post 014/100 of #100DaysToOffload

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