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📘 Spellcraft

  1. Notes
  2. Intuitive spell crafting


Don't worry about what anyone says or what is written on the internet. Use the tools and words that are right for you.

Intuitive spell crafting

Intuitive spell crafting is using intuition to guide and create rituals, spells, and manifestations within your life and the lives of those around you

When you practice intuitive spellwork, document what you will be doing and using, then journal about the experience after (like a scientific experiment). Come back to it a week and then a month later to analyze if it was successful or if there is anything that can be changed.

Grounding ritual for awakening your intuition

Taken from Year of the Witch by Temperance Alden

  1. Get mind and body ready, do something relaxing (bath, walk, meditation, etc)
  2. Go to a place that is mostly quiet where you feel at peace and won't be disturbed
  3. Sit down with your back straight, your knees bent, and your feet planted on the ground in front of you
  4. Close your eyes and take a deep breate, as you exhale, let the clutter of your mind release. Repeat a few times
  5. Think about a decision or situation you need to face. Visualize it and listen to your inner voice.
  6. Filter out high-energy, high-pitched voices such as negative or self doubt thoughts
  7. Breathe in and breathe out all of the anxious thoughts
  8. Notice what remains, this is your intuition
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