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📘 Power Animal Meditation

I don't remember where I found the instructions for this meditation, but the idea is you sit in a meditation position, close your eyes, take some deep breaths, and envision yourself walking through a tunnel. As you go through the tunnel you drop your fears and concerns. When you exit the tunnel you will be somewhere and that is where you will meet your power animal.

The result of this was nothing like what I expected, which made it feel even more profound.

Here was my experience:

I entered the dark cave with thoughts of what I expected to find. After being engulfed in complete darkness, the walls suddenly lit up, emitting a soft blue glow. Along with ornate lines, I found a reflection of my expectations etched into the wall. A crow, a squirrel, and a hummingbird. It is as if my thoughts were absorbed by the wall, now it's to keep.

I exited the tunnel into a stunning view of a forest. The trees were thick and you could see a beautiful mountain far away, covered in fog. Right at the edge of the trees was an opening into a clearing. It was shaded and cool with fallen trees and moss everywhere. A stream was flowing to the right.

I looked around expectantly, glancing up to see if there were any crows. Everything was silent and I was completely alone. I decided to sit on a log and wait.

Not long after I sat and cleared my mind, I saw movement. Fish were jumping out of the stream. I glanced over and found a large grizzly bear catching fish.

I walked over and asked the bear if it was my power animal. It looked at me curiously, silent. It moved closer and sat facing me in a meditation pose and gestured for me to do the same. I sat and we both closed our eyes. The bear morphed into a wispy light which shot over and entered my body, becoming part of me. With the power of my animal awoken, I got up and exited back through the tunnel.

Post 021/100 of #100DaysToOffload

👋 Hey! Thanks for reading! If you have any comments or questions about this post, or anything else, I'd love to chat! You can find the best way to contact me on my hello page or send me an email.