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📘 Magic

With magic, all that matters is strength of will to bring results. If you focus intent and manipulate the energy, change will happen.

I feel that hiding behind the witchy exterior, witchcraft is mostly being mindful and connecting with nature.

Maybe there is no true god, but instead the universe presents itself in the form that resonates most with each individual. All gods and relgions are just nature manifesting itself in our lives.

"That's all magic is really: The space between what you have and what you need" - Once and Future Witches

Magic is just another force in the universe that we can tap into to help us create positive change.

Prayers and spells have a lot in common, they are both ways of asking for help.

The real meaning of magic is for witches to discover for themselves through experience.

"The philosophy of witchcraft contains a choice to perceive things differently from the way most other people do." - Marion Weinstein, Personal Magic
"Magic is transformational, brought about by will and skill in accordance with natural law." - Marion Weinstein, Personal Magic
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