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💭 Words


I've been interested in witchcraft/magic in the last year, and have been reading on the topic. This is a deviation from my usual interests. I have always found occult things interesting, but I am now diving into it with a more open mind. Normally my view on things tend to lean less on the mystical side and more on the logical/scientific side.

I've been thinking a lot lately about the power of words. It feels like no coincidence that spells usually require specific words to be said, that people don't like to say things because they will "jinx it", and that people believe they can manifest change in their lives by stating what they wish to happen.

It's easy to argue "I can say I will get a million dollars but it won't happen!", but I feel that intent and truly believing it will happen are important factors to go up against that argument. Magic is almost always prefaced with the fact that intent is key. I don't think you could truly believe someone would hand you a million dollars, so you can't manifest it in the world via words and intent.

On the supernatural side, what if magic seems to not exist because we've made it not exist? By not truly believing that our words can affect the world around us. Maybe magic is a real supernatural force, but we've forgotten how to harness it. We have used science to dismiss the history of people performing magic as them being unknowledgeable about the world around them, and that they read into things that had no connection, just coincidence.

Whether manifesting change turns out to happen because of supernatural forces, or because we are tricking ourselves into subconsciously making small changes that lead up to the larger goal, the end result is still the same. Words have power.

Post 005/100 of #100DaysToOffload

👋 Hey! Thanks for reading! If you have any comments or questions about this post, or anything else, I'd love to chat! You can find the best way to contact me on my hello page or send me an email.