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💭 Update 2023-12-18


Toki pona

I have switched my toki pona section to no longer use the sitelen pona font. I decided that others may not have decided to learn sitelen pona, so I would prefer it's more accessible to all toki pona speakers.

I also added a RSS feed for the toki pona section, so people who are interested in toki pona can follow that specifically.

I've been doing anki cards daily for a few weeks now, and it's going great! I've learned a few new words that I struggled to learn before. I have also had an interesting shift happen where I have a kind of recognition for words as opposed to translating them in my mind. So for instance I see "soweli" and don't think "An animal/mammal" I just know what it means. I feel like this is the next step of fluency, which is exciting!

Knowledge Management

I've tried many different knowledge management systems / note taking systems and I always end up not sticking with things for one reason or another. A lot of times I try to use something like Obsidian, and go into a mode where I try to cut out everything that isn't open source and just use my own note taking systems, etc. I also have this site, but I want something more personal. This is my plan:

I will start using Obsidian to take notes on various topics (such as my quarterly focus topics). I will probably also transcribe some of my notes either to this site, or to my physical books (Bullet Journal and/or Book of Shadows). I am also going to try to take daily notes so that I can have a history of the things I've read and looked into.

I am hoping this will be a good way to help gain value from my focus for each quarter.

Winter break

I have winter break coming up in a few days, and I will be completely offline during that time. It will be from December 21, 2023 to January 2, 2024. I am going to write a few posts this week (or more likely just today), that way I am caught up with 100DaysToOffload and can go into the new year ready to continue on that without being behind.

I hope you all have a wonderful holiday season and I'll see you all in the new year!

Post 031/100 of #100DaysToOffload

👋 Hey! Thanks for reading! If you have any comments or questions about this post, or anything else, I'd love to chat! You can find the best way to contact me on my hello page or send me an email.