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💭 Technology Usage

I have long struggled with balancing privacy and convenience. In an ideal world, I would only use software that is open source and does not track me or have ads. In practice, this is not an easy feat by any means. I have gone through times of attempting to switch everything I use to more privacy conscious and/or FOSS alternatives. Some open source software is great, but some things require so many hoops and a certain level of lost productivity in order to use it over an alternative owned by a company such as Google.

I don't want to make privacy my identity, but I would like to specifically choose better options if they work well for me. If they don't, I will use what does, even if it's a system owned by a large corporation.

For instance, I am once again using Google Keep for notes on my phone. I have notes saved elsewhere, digitally and physically, but for easy notes without the risk of losing them if my phone dies, I will use Keep.

Another thing I've previously tried to abandon, but it's not worth the struggle, is Dropbox and Enpass. I use Dropbox to manage my Enpass vault, and it all just works. I don't want to struggle with nextcloud and keepass or something similar for very little privacy gain. I will use what works.

Because of Dropbox, I've also tended to stay away from Obsidian, but I've decided I would like to use that again for research and getting things down to be filtered into other places (this site, physical bullet journal, physical book of shadows, etc). I think it will work really well for me, and that's what I need, not extra stress of using something subpar or trying to build and manage my own.

I know this may not be a popular opinion amongst the people who read my site, but it is what works for me and I value my time more than my ideals when it comes to what technology I use. That doesn't mean that I will just mindlessly accept whatever is available though. I will always carefully pick what technologies I use. Sometimes I will build my own, sometimes I'll select something FOSS, sometimes I'll go with an application owned by a corporation because it works for me and saves me a lot of time and stress.

Post 029/100 of #100DaysToOffload

👋 Hey! Thanks for reading! If you have any comments or questions about this post, or anything else, I'd love to chat! You can find the best way to contact me on my hello page or send me an email.