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💭 Sketch Memory


This thought came to me while reading Zach's halloween post. In it, he talked about using an old camcorder to record memories this Halloween, and how the process of recording it, transferring it, and editing it provided a much more enjoyable experience as opposed to recording on a phone and sending it out to people instantly.

This got me thinking about why I sketch journal. I don't normally share the pages of my sketch journal online, but they are anything and everything I want to document from my life, be it a family trip, just a normal weekend activity, or something around me that shows daily life. The act of illustrating does a couple of things for me that simply taking a photo does not:

  1. It cements the moment in my memory in a way that a photo does not. I tend to remember every day that I've drawn, and I don't usually remember the ones I don't
  2. I occasionally look through my sketchbooks and relive the things I drew. I rarely revisit old photos on my phone.

Keeping a sketch journal is as much a memory tool as it is an enjoyable hobby for me. I'm documenting my life and enjoying the process. If you are at all artistic, I would highly recommend giving this a go to see if it has similar effects for you. Even if you aren't artistic, maybe still give it a try! The "quality" of the art does not matter, what matters is capturing the feeling and/or the memory.

Post 018/100 of #100DaysToOffload

👋 Hey! Thanks for reading! If you have any comments or questions about this post, or anything else, I'd love to chat! You can find the best way to contact me on my hello page or send me an email.