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💭 Phone


As with many people, I've struggled a lot with phone addiction. I have been working on actively changing that.

My main change is how I view my phone: as a tool.

I do not keep entertainment apps on my phone. This specifically means I don't have social apps (mastodon, instagram, etc) or games (only exception is the NYT games app). These are my biggest time sucks on my phone. I don't want to turn on my phone to mindlessly do things for the sake of doing things.

I want to only pick up my phone for a purpose. This is why I am not including streaming apps as "entertainment". When I want to watch something, I use my phone as the tool for that. I also don't really watch much to begin with, so this may be less of an issue for me than others.

If I want to use Mastodon, Instagram, or play a game, I will do so with intentionality on a device I don't carry around with me - my computer. This is how it used to be before we all had a tiny computer in our pockets. Everything was a lot simpler, and a lot more intentional, not necessarily because we chose to, but because that was the nature of technology at the time. I miss that. While everyone else will still be in the ever-connected future, I can bring myself back to that time with changes like this.

Post 010/100 of #100DaysToOffload

👋 Hey! Thanks for reading! If you have any comments or questions about this post, or anything else, I'd love to chat! You can find the best way to contact me on my hello page or send me an email.