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💭 Just Being


I am working on being more mindful and not constantly trying to distract myself from reality. I don't let myself just be, and I'm trying to do that more.

A couple times in the last few days I muted the radio in the car and just listened to the rain fall outside. Just driving and listening and being. It was nice, and I want to keep doing things like that. I've also managed to sit and enjoy tea or sit with one of my kids without allowing myself to pull out my phone. I always feel like I need to be doing something, but I simply don't.

There is just so much information and entertainment out there, and we can never consume it all. I don't want to be on social networks scrolling through things that I don't commit to my memory or provide me anything. I don't want to be constantly listening to podcasts, never being able to catch up on the 1000+ episodes I have across all the podcasts I want to listen to, which just keeps growing.

On the idea of podcast, I'm considering not subscribing to podcasts that post weekly or daily. I notoriously can't keep up with these and then feel I have to when I have a silent moment. I think I will unsubscribe from these:

They are great podcasts, but I'm always behind, the episodes are so long, and I just never take the time to sit down to listen to them.

These I may not give up, but I am considering it. I'm not sure yet:

Bidnote is just a few minutes a day, so I think that may be fine, but I often end up not listening for many days and have a ton to get through.

The SneakyArt podcast is inspiring for making art, so that's a benefit enough to maybe keep it, but I'm choosing to listen to the backlog of episodes, so new ones are always popping up and it will take me a long time to catch up.

Podcasts aside, I just want to take more moments to just be and enjoy existing.

Post 034/100 of #100DaysToOffload

👋 Hey! Thanks for reading! If you have any comments or questions about this post, or anything else, I'd love to chat! You can find the best way to contact me on my hello page or send me an email.